
Showing posts from May, 2020

How I'd Rename Barbie-Q

There’s no title I could come up with would match “Barbie-Q” in terms of pun quality. But if I had to rename the story, the most immediate alternative I can think of would be “Life in Plastic” or something of the like. Despite being possibly stolen from the Aqua song, I like it here for two reasons: One, because it literally describes the lives our main characters live vicariously through their Mattel counterparts. They’ve built a world to escape to out of these dolls, a plastic alternative to their more modest situation IRL. But two, because it describes the fake flashiness of the lifestyle these dolls represent, and the rigidity of maintaining that kind of showy glamorousness. Celebrities are marketing at their core, moreso than people. Affluence is a lifestyle that turns people into brands- plastic. Maybe it’s a bit of a stretch. Maybe I just wanted a reason to listen to Barbie Girl again. If anyone’s actually got the energy to read and engage with this blog post, sound off below.